Nadja Steinbach - Jivamukti Yoga

Schedule & Retreats


Interested in Retreats, Privates, Small Group Classes or ICP's (In-Class-Privates)? 
Get in touch.

Retreats 2024

Late summer retreat in Andalucia

Elemental Awakening - Exploring Jivamuktit Yoga through Nature’s Forces

Intermediate level ✺ 5th - 11th September 2024 ✺ Casa Erica, Málaga, Spain

Embark on a transformative journey through the ancient wisdom of yoga and the elemental forces of nature on our Elemental Awakening retreat. Nestled in the serene embrace of natural landscapes, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to explore the interconnectedness of your body, mind, spirit and the five elemental energies: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space (Ether).

Each day of the retreat is dedicated to one of these elements, guiding you through a holistic experience of balance and self-discovery. Mornings begin with meditation and pranayama following a Jivamukti Yoga class, setting the tone for the day's exploration. Afternoons are filled with journaling, outdoor excursions, including hikes and beach visits, as well as free-time allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the elemental energies.

Evenings offer Poetry Yin and Restorative classes, inviting you to wind down as you connect with the essence of each element. A Chakra Tuning class is included throughout the retreat to harmonise your energy centres. Carefully curated music enhances the atmosphere, fostering deep connection, introspection and fun!

Each day you will delve deeper into the fluidity of water, the transformative power of fire, the expansiveness of air and the transcendent beauty of space. Guided practices, group activities and moments of quiet reflection will support your journey towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your interconnectedness with the natural world.

Book here!

retreat offerings
○ 6 nights at Casa Erica
○ 3 vegan meals per day
○ Jivamukti Yoga in the mornings, restorative yoga or asana workshop in the evenings
○ hike trip to a beautiful national park & hidden beach
○ water, tea & coffee

not included
○ flight or train to Málaga
○ airport transfer to Casa Erica
○ massages, optional workshops
○ one dinner at a local restaurant
○ travel insurance (recommended)

from 1150€

group size


Winter Retreat im Allgäu

Inner Connection

Mittleres Level ✺ 28 November - 1 Dezember 2024 ✺ Werkstadt Engel, Niedersonnthofen, Allgäu

Lass deinen Alltag hinter dir und tauche in die Lehren des Yoga und die wunderschöne Natur des Allgäus ein. Lerne, deine innere Welt mit neuen Augen zu betrachten.
Morgens beginnen wir mit Meditation, Pranayama und Jivamukti Yoga, die jeweils in das jeweilige Tagesthema einleiten. Die Nachmittage stehen dir zur freien Verfügung. Abends tauchen wir mit Yin und Restorative Yoga und Journaling in die Welt der Poesie ein. Und was auf keinen Fall fehlen darf: gute Musik und Spaß!

Mehr Infos kommen bald!

Anreise ab 16:00 Uhr
16:30 - 18:15 Jivamukti Yoga
18:30 Abendessen

08:30 - 10:30 Jivamukti Yoga
10:30 Brunch
Nachmittag zur freien Verfügung
16:00 - 17:30 Yin und Restorative Yoga mit Poesie
18:00 Abendessen

08:30 - 10:30 Jivamukti Yoga
10:30 Brunch
Nachmittag zur freien Verfügung
16:00 - 17:30 Yin und Restorative Yoga mit Poesie
18:00 Abendessen

8:30 - 10:30 Jivamukti Yoga
10:30 Brunch
anschließend Abreise

Im Preis enthalten
○ 4 Tage/3 Nächte
○ 2 vegetarische Essen am Tag, Obst/Snacks vor der Morgenpraxis
○ Meditation, Pranayama und Jivamukti Yoga am Morgen
○ Yin und Restorative Yoga am Nachmittag/Abend

Nicht im Preis enthalten
○ Transport von/nach Niedersonnthofen
○ Ausflüge

○ Einzelzimmer mit Bad 680€
○ Einzelzimmer mit Gemeinschaftsbad 655€

○ Doppelzimmer mit Bad 625€
○ Doppelzimmer mit Gemeinschaftsbad 610€

○ Dreibettzimmer mit Gemeinschaftsbad 585€

✺ bis Ende Juli gibt’s noch Early Bird Discount✺

Jetzt buchen!

mind. 10


Regular Classes

Yogaloft Munich

Jivamukti Yoga Munich

Summer Villa K. Starnberger See